St. Brendan’s College are on their way to the Partille Cup as the first Irish school in 12 years to compete

May 13 2024,

This July will see 20,000 participants and 1,400 teams from more than 50 nations head to Gothenburg, Sweden, for the biggest youth tournament in Handball - the Partille Cup. A celebration of the sport and its young athletes worldwide, Partille is about more than showcasing sporting skills - it’s a chance for teams to represent their country, meet and compete with teams from around the world and celebrate the best team sport there is!

At OHI we’re delighted that St. Brendan’s will be heading to Sweden as the first team to represent Ireland in 12 years, with their U16 boys team. Margaret Kehoe, from St Brendan’s comments:

"We're so proud that St Brendan's College will be representing Ireland at this year's Partille Cup. Handball is such an exciting sport and our U16 boys team can't wait to show their skills and compete against teams from all over the world, especially knowing that we're the first Irish school to go in 12 years. To be part of the biggest Handball youth tournament in the world is an amazing opportunity. We're extremely grateful for all of the support we've been shown so far - especially regards our fundraising efforts - since we really want to make sure the whole team can go and represent the Olympic Handball community as best we can!"

We know the whole Olympic Handball community will be behind St Brendan’s and wishing them the best of luck! We’ll be following the team’s journey and sharing it with you all. 

As the school gears up for July, St. Brendan’s are rallying the local community to help fundraise to cover the cost of the trip with quiz nights, non-uniform days, sports days, and a raffle with prizes sponsored by local businesses. 

If you’d like to support St. Brendan’s and help them represent Ireland at the Partille Cup in July, you can contribute via their iDonate page.